Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love or Family?

In the play Romeo and Juliet Juliet has a conflict within herself. After finding out that Romeo has killed Tybalt she can't figure out whether or not to feel happy that Romeo is still alive, since if he wasn't would have. But at the same time she knows that Tybalt is family and Romeo is an enemy to the family. She asks herself, "Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband? Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name when I, thy three-hours wife, hath mangled it? But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin? That villain cousin would have killed my husband." (3.2.106-111) This conflict is intra personal. When love is blind it can cause violence. Blind love that doesn't think ahead, is impulsive, and is selfish, has negative consequences.
Many people fall in love with people their families and/or friends don't approve of. And how do they cope with this? Most of them elope, which just gets them into bigger trouble. When people deal with forbidden love they only think about themselves and forget everything else. Their love is now their top priority.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Romeo and Juliet was here

I think the movie Titanic is an example of media similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. Both stories are about forbidden love and have a sad ending. Juliet has to marry Paris, someone she doesn't care about, as is Rose with Cal. Rose and Juliet are both well behaved and controlled by their mothers. However on the inside they don't want to be that way. Juliet first told Romeo that she doesn't like how their relationship is moving so fast, but then quickly changes her mind afterwards. Rose looked well behaved on the outside but on the inside was bored of her life and even attempted suicide. And of course, the couples in both stories experience love at first sight. The first time they see each other they love each other because they think that the other person is so attractive.