Friday, June 3, 2011

before and after

In elementary school I was always indifferent about poetry. Unlike most people, I never really had a bunch of memorable experiences with poetry worth remembering. Whenever my teacher made us write poems at school it wasn't torture, but as soon as I got it over with I quit thinking about it.
Then, in fourth grade my class went to the library and since I guess we were studying poetry at the time there were tons of books on the tables. Every single one of them contained poems of all kinds. Funny ones, serious ones, long ones and short ones. We all chose to tables to sit at, and after a few minutes of looking at the books everyone took turns reading to the class a poem they liked. I remember discovering a funny poem from the perspective of a kid who was sick. All the words made the reader sound like they had bad congestion. Of course, I tried to read this to the class but read with so little expression that the librarian stopped me and read it herself.
Back then, poetry had just been one of those things you don't love but don't hate (but now I enjoy it more, mainly after Poetry Out Loud). Back then poetry was just another subject. Now however, when I hear the word "poetry", it sparks a warm feeling of excitement. Since I've taken honors English I've been appreciating it a lot more. I really enjoy annotating poems and literary works. What used to be a same old, same old subject is now fun and interesting.

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