Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poetry Out LOUD

Part One
2)November Cotton Flower
4)Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
5) I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
5)Cold Blooded Creatures

Part Two
·I liked I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth, because it was a little ironic and made me wonder. How could a crowd of daffodils beat a whole ocean in beauty? The tone was also very peaceful and calm.
·I didn't like Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night because I didn't really understand why the author hated night time so much and why he had to be so mean to it.
·I am most interested in studying farther I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud because it is really peaceful and quiet, and there's a lot to ponder about the author's purposes of word choice and theme.
·I really like flowers and one of my favorite places to be is the beach.
Part Three
·I think evidence of understanding will be easiest for me because I'll need to interpret things like meanings, messages, allusions, irony, and tones of voice. In class I have done a lot of annotating and I feel I am pretty good at it. Also, I think I will do well on the voice and articulation because I'm good at expressing things.
·I think I will score a bit lower on the level of difficulty because the poem I am considering is fairly easy and short. I also think that it will be hard for me to get a higher grade on dramatic appropriateness because sometimes when I talk I tend to make meaningless hand-motions and that would distract the audience from my poem.
Part Four
Writ on the Steps of Puorto Rican Harlem, by Gregory Corso. Recited by Stanely Andrew Jackson: This was a successful performance because of the way Stanley used a lot of gestures at appropriate moments, and it was kind of like he was preaching. His facial expressions and tone of voice reflected the various moods throughout the poem very well. I really enjoyed his performance because of the way he expressed everything, like he really enjoyed the poem. If I were to read that same poem to myself I would probably have been bored, but the way he recited it made the poem really interesting.

Bilingual/bilingue, by Rhina P. Espaillat Recited by Sophia Elena Soberon: This was a successful performance because Sophia used a lot of body language and talked like she was the girl from poem, using very good voice. It was interesting how after Sopia introduced herself she lowered her head, and when she looked back up it was like she was a different person. Her facial also expressions fit the moods very well.
Part Five
I think the competition will be a little scary and I will dread it, but it won't turn out to be that bad and will go by quickly. I think I will do pretty good and the competition will be memorable.

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